Nothing really special about my photos. Haha! 1st photo taken when i was 8 months ++ pregnant with daughter. Did you see that i gained so much weight there?? 22.5kg oh!! From 43kg, i gained so much until it became 65.5kg. Crazy kan?? Luckily in 9 months time i managed to shed all the extra pounds from my pregnancy. So 2nd picture was after 9 months i delivered daughter. (sepa mau tips kasi kurus, you can send me personal email! hehe nanti sia kasi share tips).
If you are wondering why i never put my hubby's photos in my blog, because i don't to share him with you. Hahaha No lah..kidding..saja don't want to make him famous. hehe
Tagging time!! Bah..who i want to tag?? Alamak!! Habis lah kena timbak nie if i tagged the same person. ok lah..kasi tag chegu carol, lab papa (dorang nie suka gambar), Izyanti and Choc mint girl lah. Hope to see nice pix from you guys.
haha...charlene just tagged me with this too but yeah...aku suka tag ini. hahaha
Eeee... cute betul bah anak2 ko niii!! Bikin geram! Hensem sudah si Isaac sudah besar..
wahaha....thanks kadusmama...kesian hubby inda temasuk dalam carta..haha..joking..
chegu carol ~ iya!! sia tau ko suka pix..thats why sia tag ko.. :)
ratu syura ~ alah! next time ko ada anak, mesti kiut juga tu.. :)
wel^beiolman ~ Welcome!! hehe nda mau share dia sama orang lain bah wel..hehe
Wowww! I like all the pics! So cute gambar Inesha baby tuuu.. Sudah big girl, become so pretty like mommy dia!
Ehhh.. sia pun mau tips kurus this!!! 9 months oredi Allie.. still not kurus yet! hahahahaha.. Mesti share ya!!
Charlene tagged me with this one too but I have to dig and keep digging sebab sa jarang ambil gambar. Totally suck at photography! LOL!
Your kids are cute little fellows :D
Bah! Nanti la sya cari gambar2 ni, mo di edit2 lagi kali ni. :D Cepat jugak diorang besar kan, cuz. Nanti nda lama lagi diorang kawin... kita pun tua sudah like our parents now. Sedih pulak kan, but facts of life.
shemah ~ hehe! besar kah inesha?? I mean, like dulu punya kecil..then now, pandai becakap sudah..tia lama lagi..p school already..
ok bah kalau mau kurus..nanti sia post about it.. hehe
Hope to see ur fav pix nanti..
nick phillips ~ All kids are cute, I'm sure you boys are cute too..
choc mint girl ~ cari cuz..sia pun mau tingu ur pix lah.. lain kali kita sudah tua..memang like our parents tu..
hi ty,
wowww...u still can dukung/angkat your boy tengah2 sarat mengandung...amazinggg!
Izy, hehehee mama rock me last time..I even drive around 1 day before my planned induced dukung2 was like nothing saja tu..
Har???I dun believe that is you la...How you manage to shed of extra fat? COme on, share share la...
little inbox ~ Surprising hor?? I really gained soooooooo much weight when i was pregnant with daughter..luckily shedding those extra fat is really easy with me..hehe Ok..i will post those tips soon..
cutenyer... :) Emm... post juga tips mcm mana mau dapat anak yg kiut ah TT .. hehehe jan mare :)
ornest ~ senang jak bah mau buat anak kiut! makan banyak2 coklat, terus kiut tu anak..HAHAHA (nda bah main2 jak, sia pun nda tau apa macam)
uiii kiut2 babies ko ni.. ehm inda lama lagi tia ble panggil babies lagi...tia sedar tu kan nanti sudah secondary school...
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