Long gone the day Son was crazy about spiderman and Hell Boy. He is now is called GreenMan at home. If you call him, Isaac, he will correct you and tell you his name is Green Man! ahaha! It has been more than 1 month we brought him to cinema to watch incredible hulk, but he is still crazy about this fierce looking monster. *roll eyes*When I bought lots of candies the other day, my son only picked the green colour candies. The reason, because he is a Green Man and he should only eat the green colour one. Duh!!! aparak!!
=> Your kids will start to act like the superhero.
=> Your kids will start roaring like the superhero
=> Your kids will start to talk like the superhero
=> Your kids cannot stop watching the movie. They will keep playing the movie all over and over and over until you can memorize the whole movie script.
=> Your kids will tell you they love the superhero more than they love you. (hahaha!! My son told me that)
=> Your kids will start colouring each other. (son used a green colour pencil to paint daughter and change her to be incredible hulk)
=> You will become crazy to deal with a fierce little 'monsters' in your house!
Son giving me his superhero look! Duh!!!
Son in action! he thought he created that 'electric looking' thing.
hahaha lucu juga, klu jd hulk nda pa lah..tp yg plg bikin takut klu ter jadi joker..habis la bedak muka sama lipstick si mama jadi mangsa. kan??? :)
Kids mmg cepat terpengaruh dan slalu anggap apa yang dorang lihat di dlm movie tu betul. My daugther suka tingu itu movie barbie. Byk gia cerita fairy dia tu kan. She thought the magic wand butul2 ada :D
My son pula suka Ultraman. Klu pigi kadai n terlimpas kadai jual patung atau VDC ultraman, ndak sah klu minta beli tu hehehe.. Baru tadi wife call.. dorang pigi Survey Penampang n dia minta beli VCD Ultraman hahaha
Tapi apa yg ko cakap tu mmg betul TT.. pengaruh tu movie sm kids mmg kuat :)
Me pun masih kecil suka berangan jadi snow white but never berangan jadi ugly duckling or the witch.(lol).. I think all children are like Isaac, just let him be!
Lucu sungguh anak2 ko ni kadusmama, begitu la bah itu kan
actually, masa sa kicik pun sa pernah jadi tu "green man" bah. Pakcik sa pakai water color hijau painted up my legs and hands..nasib muka tidak hahaha
Children always imagine they got the power like the hero in the film. They imagine they become the hero...
Ok, I think I shud limit myself from watching too much superhero movies cos half the time I keep telling wifey that I think I have superpowers that hasn't manifested itself just yet ... LOL!
urang ranau ~ hahaha!! habis lah kalau isaac mau jadi Joker..terus foundation and powder sia jadi mangsa kekejaman dia kan??
ornest ~ itu lah bah tu..budak ni cepat betul terpengaruh sama movie..dorang ingat apa dorang tingu tu betul..
queen bee ~ hehe snow white?? aiseh..mesti ada gown kembang ko pakai nie kan?? How did you make yourself jadi putih??
lab papa ~ nah!! if only you know my son, boleh pengsan kadang2 jaga dia nie..hahaha!! telampau tingu movie..and he follows apa2 jak tu heros buat..
eh?? napa nda kasi kaler hijau satu badan??
little inbox ~ yes! Kids do think the movie they watched was real. *sigh*
nick phillips ~ LOL!!!!! You should limit your superhero movie from now on..and nick, you have no super power or anything..it is just you imagination!! hahahaha!!
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