May 30, 2008

KadusMama as a hot Japanese chick..bwahahaha!!

I've been seeing this Japanese Name Tag in every blog I've been hopping this past 2 weeks and finally I'm tagged by Ratu Syura. Hehee I don't have the idea how my name will sound, so let give a try, yes?

1. OSWALD - Moarimeikatate (sounds like america and states. har... har... har ...)

2. CHLOE - Miritamoku (Um... think I still prefer my given name, ha ha)

3. GENG - Jikutoji (Actually, I think it's cute sounding. Arigato gazaimasu!)

4. CONSTANCE - Mimoto arichi katomiku (WOW! Does it sound like an authentic Japanese cuisine? YIKES! I broke it up cos it was quite a mouthful!)

5. DORA - Temoshika (Sounds pretty good huh?! Does it mean beautiful woman?)

6. NESSA - Tokuariarika (macam seterika je... sounds too masculine instead of feminine though)

7. SPIFF - Arinokilulu ... (sounds like something from Lilo & Stitch!)

8. JANICE NG - ZuKatokimiku ToJi (lolxxxxx)

9. MARZIE - Rinkashizikite (WOW! Very hard to pronounce but love that my Japanese name starts with an R!)

10.FARAH - Lukashikari (I hate this name, it sounds like 'lu kasik kari' translated: you gave curry) hahahahah

11. RATU SYURA - Shikachido Arifudoshika (Try saying that 10 times in a row without twisting your tongue!! )

12. KadusMama - MeKaTeDoAri RinKaRinKa (Gosh!!! what kind of name is that?? Like Ikan Dori Rangka-rangka like that!! Hahahahaaa). What about my real name, lets give it a try too.. elspeth - KuTaAriNoKuChiRi (Blardy *toot*!! I'm so sure it sound like 'Ku nak ter'cirit' like that!!! Haahahahahaaa...sick meme is this)

Ok lah!! I'm going to tag Ninie Jane, Kobie and Olie for this meme. Have fun with your japanese name guys..


Rafiq Abdul Rahim said...

hahahhaha! "ku nak tercirit"! I can't stop laughing! it's so funny la!

KaDusMama said...

Rafiq ~ Hahahaha!! Tu lah..i see my name pun teketawa!! tooooo funny

Choc Mint Girl said...

LOL!!! Ya! Sama bah tu bunyi 'tercirit' hahahaaa... RINKA RINKA, macam itu pil*** becakap oh hahahahaaa...

KaDusMama said...

Choc Mint ~ Nah tu lah tu cuz! The sound is like tecirit!! Ekekeke Eh pila*s ada becakap macam tu kah pulak?? hahahaaa