As i have posted before, I've lost my external hardisk where i keep my whole world there..My family photos, my works, my videos,
Just when i thought my world is over, i suddenly remember i've uploaded some of my photos at few sites..THANK GOD!!!! After saving all the available photos, i managed to get about 160 of it..though it is very less than what i had before, i'm still thankful for whatever i can get..
So here i am..want to say thank you ala-ala Grammy to the sites that keep my photos.
I want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH to,, and for being there and keeping all my photos.Not forgeting to the Recover My Files software that help me to recover all my deleted files.
My big thanks goes to this site because of this sites keep my photos nicely. I managed to get back some of my photos. And of course to the recover files software, i managed to get some of my work format.
To friendster...i managed to get 120 photos of my family, Thank you very-very much...I will forever remember your good deed..
To facebook..i get at least 2o photos of special event..Thank you too..
To bambooborneo..though not many photos there..i still managed to get some of my precious photos that i thought i will never see it again..Poinsikou!!!
To Recover My Files Software...Thank God you are here..At least i'm not doomed to the end for losing all my works of 4 years! Losing 1/2 of my works is better than losing everything!
I'm also hoping that whoever has my photos or my kids photos will be kind enough to email it to me..I will forever remember you kind heart and help..
Thank you..Thank you *teary eyes*
kadusmama -- silaka punya pencuri kio!! i'm glad that you did manage to store some of your precious photos elsewhere online.
you can also try btw.
iya..mimang silaka tu pencuri..bikin gerigitan tul..nasib ada ;) dapat juga sia sikit2 gambar family sia..nanti sia cuba tu flickr..
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