This video was taken quite long time ago when my son was about 9 1/2 months old. If he is capable doing what he was doing when he was still a baby..he is 10x mischievous now. So whoever heard me screaming like a mad woman before, you will understand why i have to increase my volume sometimes. Soft talk just doesn't work anymore.
Base on the video here..Can you imagine my patience dealing with my four years old son now? With him telling me what i should and shouldn't do..Headache oh! Heck...who care anyway..
eekk.... young and dangerous woo!
tapi.. so kiut the prison break style... wahahahaha.
ms_bonong - did you see how he used his kepala tu hang his body and climbed tu cot?? bahaya tul!
hehehe so funny & cute ooo!!u better send this clip to the "American's funny home video" show, mesti ramai org vote ni heheh
sumandak - boleh kah? but itu video was taken using my hp quality not really good..hehe
waaaaaaaaaaa....ada spider man oh in your family. :D
emelda - pa son called himself spiderman tu tiap2 hari..
cute pun ada...
funny pun ada...
tapi mmg bestlah if ingat balik kan?
later ko tunjuk this to ur son, then ko bgtau dia "if you have a son that can climb out from the cradle, you know where he got if from..." I GOT IF FROM MY PAPA!!!
wei... jgn2... ur hubby pun mcm tu dulu! hahaha...
rey - hahaahaha..manada..hubby is the quiet type of baby bah..son got that talent from me lah
kalo gitu, ko yg panjat2 pokok ni time d kg dulu2 :P
pa lagi rey! hehee
apa yg apa lagi? ndak aku paham ni!
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