Seriously, i don't know how to deal with Isaac already. I mean he is a good boy when he feel likes he wanted to be but when me and hubby went to work..isaac became mischevious and did things that we don't approve. When we reached home last night, i found out that isaac had chop Inesha hair and goodness it was very-very bad. The already ruined inesha hair is worse now. You can see the damage with lots of short hair standing tall everwhere but I cannot cut inesha's hair bald la..arghhhh!!!! Not only isaac cut inesha hair, he also cut the scalp and that for sure make me super angry with him. I seriously don't know what to do with him. Smacking won't work, shouting won't work, and even soft talk won't make him listen to us. He really make me worry all the time you know..When i'm at office, i cannot stop thinking what isaac will do at home. *sigh* Don't know what else i can do to make sure isaac listen to me. Pening..pening!!!!
Dec 3, 2008
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Ayayai,kasian inesha. kena ada topi la ni utk cover.
Don't feed him, ignore him for as long as you can, and tell him, until he promises to be a good boy, mom and dad will give him the cold shoulder. It might work.
Odoi si Isaac, exploring new thing on his sister ah, jd experiment subject suda rambut si Inesha..Nway, since baru few days limpas Inesha's birthday, anggap ja lah she needs a new cut.. Pa bleh buat..
Try to keep all your gunting, pisau atau apa2 seja yang buli kasi cedera hidden. Somewhere he can't reach nor see.
Sia rasa dia bored di rumah so dia buat macam2 eksperimen... sabar ah Kadus Mama :)
My jaw dropped as I was reading your post LOL. Nobody can keep an eye on him? XD
Oh boy! So how Inesha looks like now? Got photo?
your children with maid or nursery?
urmm How old is he? munkin ada bah yang dia mau tue.. apa-apa pun jangan sampai ada yang harmful.
I'm learning a lot wth my child too (kadang mau ilang akal juga, napa dorang ni nda paham-paham??!! tapi, when sebenarnya memang dorang pon budak-budak bah kan so.. be patient lah)
nyway, happy Wednesday to you and family :)
CUT THE SCALP??? SCALP siapa? Inesha?? Waaaaaaaa..if that's the case...sakit oh!!!
Perhaps you can try and ask him if he would like it if this to be done on himself? So that he would understand how bad it is to cut sis hair???
I dont know,just my idea la saja..Kesian inesha :(
Mell_f ~ Topi?? Hmmmmm...kalau si inesha mau lah...if not, jalan saja lah with rambut sumpak dia..
Gallivanter ~ Kinda hard coz he will trails after you until you talk to him..i did try that before, ignoring him as long as i can, but can't last even 10 mins coz he keep asking why i don't want to talk to him..keep saying how kesian nobody want to talk to him..*sigh*
Nayden79 ~ exploring apa..that day pun dia sudah kasi sumpank rambut sendiri..! I don't think kasi botak inesha will be a good idea kan?? :(
Nessa ~ Sia sudah tapuk any pisau or gunting pun he can find it..:(
Ntah lah dia keboringan kah apa tu..tapi memang bikin gerigitan juga lah..sakit kepala sia mau pikir pasal dia nie..
Kalau kami di rumah, dia nda berani buat suma ni..tapi kalau kami teda, nah sana lah dia kasi rusak barang..pukul adik dia lah..
maslight ~ my MIL is with them and surely she cannot look after the 24hours kan?? 10 mins in the kitchen is enough for isaac to do something terrible..
Little inbox ~ Inesha is still cute..but her hair is so messy now with few hair standing here and there..i was so angry last nite, i forgot to take any pix already..
The Dusun Aroma ~ My son is going to be 5 soon and i know he knows what's right and wrong already..My MIL is looking after my kids now..
Most of the times, my son behave ok at home but when his mood striked, even i cannot tell what he'll do when we are not around.
When you meet my son, you will understand why i don't treat him like a small kid anymore coz' he isn't behaving like one, but..
emelda ~ inesha punya scalp kena kena gunting moi..not that big, but enough to make me soooo angry with isaac..and yang si inesha nie pun kasi biar saja abang dia p gunting2 rambut dia..
kalau ko bilang mau tanya gunting rambut dia..hahaha!! sudah dia kasi sumpak berabis rambut dia masa bulan October..i did blog about it juga..terpaksa sia kasi botak rambut sudah idea apa mau buat sama dia nie..pening oh!!!
kadus_mama, welcome 2 the club.. hehehe.. sa ingat sa 1rang ja kena deal kids mcam ni.. rupa2nya ada juga kawan.. Mark pun pernah gunting rambut dia ni.. tpaksa kasi trim abis ni.. at least dia sedar sda la.. so till now inda pernah buat lg.. kids memang cam tu.. ada ja benda baru yg dia mo explore.. funny juga sometimes kan.. mkali dulu mama dia juga nakal gtu kan.. hehe jan marah..
Aiiikkkss!! inesha got the chop too? Macam rambut aunty grace lah! In fashion lah kan? hahaha... poor darls. Hope the scalp didn't hurt too much.
aiyaa.. kasian Inesha.. nasib not teruk jgk Isaac gunting the scalp. You should definitely hide all the guntings, pisaus dan semua yg tajam2 tu.. Bahaya jgk oo.. Bahaya for his sister and him also. Sabar jak la Ty.. He's experimenting bah tu I think.. And from what you told us here, I can say that your boy is a very curious and smart little boy.. How about you talk to him pelan2, and make him think of what he did. Manatau then dia paham.. ayways, hope you'll find the right solution for this.. Sabar jak k.. Biasala budak2 ni.. :)
Kesian Inesha KM. I understand how u feel. Sabar ja la k. Mungkin c Isaac mau buat experimen ba tu. sebahagian dari proses mau membesar. Nanti berubah juga ba tu bila meningkat umur dia. Macam kita juga masa budak2 dulu lagi di larang lagi dibuat
mama..scalp?is she hurt?wow..bahaya o tu...hope u manage to let him know what he had done was wrong...simpan kama benda2 tajam macam tu..bayaya tu o...even kertas oso can kasi luka tau..
hope she would be fine and isaac knows it is his bad..
wah...seriously,Isaac is very mischievous boy la. Bagus ko kasi masuk drawer la suma benda2 tajam & kasi kunci spy dia nda dpt ambik.
Apa kata, nex time kalu dia gunting rambut lg,bawa dia trus p kadai gunting,kasi botak rambut dia. Baaru dia jarah mangkali..:p
Hi Kadusmama,
alalala..adventerous bah boy kau ni heheh.. Usually if my Dian do something nakal like this, I will scold her nicely +++ a cold shoulder and she will apologize to me. Then I will explain gently to her why I'm angry and advise her not to repeat it. Usually it works for me hehe...
but budak-budak memang macam tu bah hehe...kena sabar sajalah dulu, sampai diorang besar sikit kan.
oh dear...I hope my kids wont have fancy ideas to cut each other's hair off! how did he get access to a pair of scissors though?
yalah ty..i think betul ckp nessa..dia keburingan kali tu di rumah.
duii bah...betul2 dia mo jadi explorer ni oh...
-mel- ~ Ur son pun gunting rambut juga??? Hahhahaha..ok you make me feel better least i know it's not my son saja buat camtu..hehehe
That day, si isaac sudah kasi gunting rambut dia..and now the sis punya rambut pulak..pening kepala..
grace ~ at least ur hair is fashionable..inesha's hair!! mess!!
I'm sure the scalp not longer hurt now.. :)
adr3h ~ itu lah tu jajal eh..memang sudah kena tapuk all the guntings or apa2 yang tajam tapi ntah macam mana si isaac dapat juga cari..
I already talk to him last nite and told him what he did was wrong..soft talk gitu lah..and he seems to understand appa sia cakap..ntah lah kalau lepas nie dia p buat lagi..
Nika ~ hope kurang sikit kejajalan dia tu..i mean, curious is one thing, but hurting his sister is another thing..nda bulih kasi sorry dia buat macam tu..nanti lain kali dia buat lagi!!
wel^beiolman ~ Luckily the cut was not really bad...kalau sampai bejahit..aduhhhh nda bulih sia isaac tu tau bah apa dia buat tu salah..tapi ntah napa masih mau buat..*sigh*
Nanti tiap2 hari lah sia remind dia supaya jaga dia punya sis..
nora ~ hi! eh lama sia nda p lawat ko tau.. :) nanti sia p menyinggah ur blog ah..
pasal si isaac tu..i don't usually marah dia if dia baru buat..mula2 kasi 1st warning..then 2nd warning..then 3rd warning..kalau masih juga dia buat baru sia marah betul2..ada juga sia bersoft talk sama dia..and the way he respond me, i know he understand his wrongdoing..tapi...masih juga dia mau buat and kasi kami marah nie..kesian juga dia selalu kena marah..
Mama mia ~ iya mio..after this mau lock sudah suma laci2 yang ada nie..and bawa the keys p keja..if not, sama juga tu..pandai juga si isaac cari tu kunci and p kacau..
mom2ashley ~ ya! pray ur kids won't do the same isaac did to his sister..
He got the scissor where i hid inside my box..terrible right??
chegu carol ~ ntah lah carol..mungkin juga dia keboringan..besa lah cuti skul kan..!
nanti mau kasi ingat hari2 supaya dia nda kacau barang sia lagi...makin pening kepala sia melayan dorang kadang2..
pening kepala kan :( if me in yer shoes kali oso don't kno wat to do oh..
oh yea kan..i forgot about that. He did turn to barber few months back
Cuz, ko taruh tempat yang paling tinggi atau kunci tu gunting2 tu suma baru dia nda dapat ambil. Cian si Inesha, nasib nda kana mata ka, palis kan! Mungkin bagus ko kasi ikut si Isaac apa2 klas la for kids supaya dia ada aktiviti mo buat. Ko tau la dia ni jenis yang nda senang duduk diam kan.
Choc mint girl ~ sudah kena tapuk suma tu gunting2 cuz..! takut juga kan..
Nanti sia discuss sama hubby sia supaya hantar isaac p belajar melukis.. :) dia kan suka melukis..
Ayooo Isaac mau jadi tukang gunting rambut pula ni kali ah, hehe..adui mcmana la rambut si Inesha tu ah? Sa pun nda tau o pa mcm mau bagi idea kasi reda nakal si Isaac, pasal sa pun lum ada pengalaman ni, hehehe :)
JppMom ~ itu lah..sia pun pening and still tia tau apa mau buat sama si isaac nie..but funny is, beberapa hari ni bagus pulak dia..hehehe after sia marah hari tu..nda sudah dia mengacau..
emelda ~ nah itu lah tu moi..rambut dia sudah kena sumpak rambut adik dia pulak..
kobie ~ teruk juga rambut si inesha..kesian sia tingu habis pendek2 rambut dia di belakang..apa bulih buat..tunggu dia panjang saja lah..
Kesian Inesha!
I agree with Nessa; keep all sharp or any dangerous objects out of his reach... but of course he meant nothing, he just want to try something which is new to him, kan!
Oh My God! I think you'd better hide all the sharp objects in your house. Poor Inesha. At least her hair will grow back!
queen bee ~ i know he doesn't mean harm to his sister..saja2 dia mau p experiment bah tu..
nick phillips ~ all sharp objects are hidden now..hope isaac won't find them..
Astagaaa.. sapa bilang parenting is an easy thing...
Good luck with Isaac. Yes, maybe he is experimenting.
Stail dulu2 punya parenting won't work? (tapi eee takkan mo rotan kan)
Cicak ~ nah! itu lah bah tu..ingat jadi parents nie sinang kah?? hahaha!! kalau baby tu kali sinang sikit lah..but sudah besar..nah pening kepala terus..
Hehee..ko ingat si isaac nda kena rutan?? ada juga tu..tapi bukan dia takut..kadang2 kalau setakat ke'piak' bontot dia, sikit pun nda dia nangis..kalau hubby dia takut sikit..tapi dia masih berani lawan juga kadang2..*pening kepala*
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