This probably not really a new things to tell, but i think i might just want to share with those who wish or going to fly with your small kids. When i fly back to sabah recently, the 1/2 way to KK was a total disaster as both my kids refused to sit still and Inesha's didn't want to sit on my lap..(Infant has no seat so she had to sit on my lap). We were lucky as the plane still has lotssssss of empty seats and the Stewardess allows my kids to sit whereever they want. So as quick as they can, Isaac and inesha choose the seat next to the window and no matter how i coax daughter to sit with me, she didn't budge from her spot. Some more screaming pulak when i want to carry her.
So what happend in the first hour of our journey...! Hmmmm..son spilt his hot choc on the carpet..and daughter (cacing tidak pandai diam) drop a whole plate of pasta on the carpet too. Pengsan the mother want to tend her two kids in the plane. (Hubby was nicely snoozing all the way from KL - KK! Bikin panas eh!!) So what i did to quiet my kids was....Jeng..jeng..
Gave them a magazine to browse! I was lucky that day as MAS has a magazine that contains lotsssssss of superhero pix. Ada Batman (Dark Knight), Incredible Hulk, Spiderman and wohooo..that surely caught son attention and quiet him down. I let daughter play with the seat belt and that works a wonder too..Inesha keep buckling and unbackle the seat belt and give me the peace i needed Hehehehee!!!
However, magazine and seat belt only last for 30 mins and at that time, we had 1 hour before we reach KK. What i did was, ask lotsssssssssssssssss of papers for my kids and yipeeeee!!! The papers work like a magic to my kids..hehehe! For 1 hour, i had a peace and quiet journey while my kids was busy with their 'work'. Isaac, as usual lah..he drew his fav incredible hulk, hellboy and Uncle moster, while inesha, scribbling the paper without making any sounds...hehe
So if any you want to travel in peace with your kids or nephews or nieces, just give them lotssss of paper and if possible a colour pencils because i'm sure, your journey will be a peaceful one. hehee
WARNING : kaDusMama will do a marathon post tonight, so jangan terkezutttt!!
hahaha...ya, blank papers or color books and coloring pencils always work. dulu masa me and SIL's family pi bangkok, thats what she did to quiet her daughter. suru melukis or mewarna.
but hahaha...i can still imagine the first one hour before you found the solutions to make them sit still. gagaga
Cool tip KM! :D 1st time anak sia naik kapalterbang masa umur dia 2 tahun. Aduh, sia macam mo pingsan suda, dia inda mo duduk diam... pi masuk sana pisuk2 lagi tu, kacau the stewardess, mo pi buka tu pilot punya cabin lagi!
Nasib baik dia basar suda skrang, next year cukup 10 tahun. How time flies!!
on our trip to kl we brought the works - books, psp, ipod, hubby's laptop! and it works.. plus, if my daughter got bored with the ipod then sia pula la yang syiok dpt melayan movies on the ipod! hehehe
haha..memang kreatif la ko kan kdmama. yeay!
KDmama, nasib si Issac x p lukis hellboy sana dinding kapal terbang.. Hahahaha...
Chegu Carol ~ hahah!!! 1st memang sia mau pingsan dalam kapal!! gila eh!! dua2 pun bising bah..
nasib masa yang trip back to kl, ada small screen at every chair, nah apa lagi, si isaac terus pick incredible hulk to watch sepanjang perjalanan bah..hahahah!!
nessa ~ hahahah!! nah ko pun ada experience juga kan..memang sakit jiwa dalam kapal nie..sudah lah dua2 anak sia tu melampau aktif..habis bah tu plane punya window kena main2..hahahaaa
iya bah..time really does flies very fast kan..tingu my son pun mau masuk 5 years old sudah.. :(
linachu ~ i don't think books will quiet my kids..mau juga benda yang lukis or kaler2 baru dorang diam tu..hehhe
eh..ko pulak melayan movie??? hahaha
Mell_f ~ lain kali ko pun bulih pakai nie tips ya!! hehee
Freddass ~ if si isaac p draw dinding kapal terbang..terus sia pengsan!!! hahahahahaa
Yep that always work. Kesian juga kau ya but i paham betul2 tu. i wonder nanti sia bawa twins n the ko ko to KL what will happen.. LOL.
MyJosh already naik kapal.. so far he's only excited during take off and landing.. in between diam2 pulak LOL
What you gonna marathon posting? Bah I better stop here lah dulu ...
to be continued ...
Lots of paper. I'll remember that if I take my kids on a plane the next time ... LOL!
thanks titty. really need this tips for my first time airplane ride with my lil one this coming january.:)
Papajoneh ~ if dua orang jaga..i think should be ok bah that day, jaga saturang..hubby siok2 tidur..
tu yang kelam kabut with them tu..
Nick Phillips ~ ya..ya..take notes ya..
Yanti ~ Zy..welcome!! hope this trick will works on mirza..
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