Shopping Online! Are you one of the the addict who spent most of your hours in a day looking and browsing for a goods available online? I'm not really an online shopper, but I had this experience which dampen my online shopping spirit not long time ago. In the month of January this year, I was looking for a nice lingerie and nice sweater to reward myself for being a good mommy and wife (LOL!! But seriously...). So, I browsed and browsed and browsed until I stumbled upon VS (Don't tell me you don't know what VS is..). Seeing all the sexy lingerie, sweaters and nice pair of cropped pants, I got very excited and intend to purchase few items for myself. But upon seeing the expensive shipping charges, I got disheartened. Goodness, the charges were even more expensive than the items that I wanted to purchase. When I converted the fees to our currency, I cancelled my order right away! Hehe What to do, it was just too expensive. I don't mind paying for the sweaters and pants, but having to pay exorbitant sum for shipping charges??? Nah..maybe next time. If only I got to know about international package forwarding service at that time, I'm sure I will purchase those stuffs already. You see, or Access USA Fowarding Services is one good service that provide a very low international shipping rates for us who stay overseas or best to say outside of US. It is well known that many of US retailers will not ship their goods overseas or if they do, the shipping rates will cost more expensive than the goods itself. Hmmmm..not good huh! But no worry, Access USA account holders can enjoy a very low international shipping rates, which is much less rates from US retailers and this will save up to 70% on international shipping.
But how come it is cheaper??? Simple! Access USA will combine your mails or purchase in one neat and sturdy package and ship it to you. Therefore, it will cost cheaper than having a package sent individually. Beside getting a low shipping rates, you get to control your shipping preferences that allow you to select your shipments location, speed of delivery and even ship your goods to your temporary address. Fantastic choice of shipping goods, right?? :)
I know some of my blogger friends who love to shop online for goods like Cloth Diapers, baby clothing and even lingerie from US. I bet the shipping rates cost them a bomb everytime their goods are shipped to Malaysia. Well, guys..if you are reading this post, why not sign-up with Access USA at website. Don't worry, if you read those testimonials from their members, you will be rest assured that Access USA is going to eliminate your worries of seeing crazy high cost of shipping rates when purchasing from US retailers. So, wait no member to enjoy the privilege of online shopping.
Honestly i don't know what VS is, hehehe.. very old fashion me, online shopping pun belum pernah cuba.
Here in JP pun very2 easy oh doing online shopping. Can also do Cash On Delivery, tia payah risau2, barang sampai baru bayar sama itu pak posmen.
Ok, I'm one of those who don't know what VS is. LOL!
queen bee ~ haieee!! lama tia nampak ko..well VS stands for Victoria Secret!! hahahaha!!!! I'm not really an online shopper! hehee
lab papa ~ wah?????? Seriously??? punya main best like that..
nick phillips ~ Hhahaha!! VS = Victoria Secret!!
i wanna go jipun lah ni..siok tu kalu online shopping, COD punya. hehe
im not letting myself to try out online shopping (for now). nanti habis duit paypal sia sebelum bulan 12 ni...hahaha
Chegu carol ~ Iya bah kan..hebat nie jepun nie..hehehe
Kadang2 siok juga online shopping nie..i think lah..sebab macam senang tul mau beli barang nie!
anabellapena ~ Hiyeee..Thanx for dropping by in my there is other company as well..Hmmm will check it out soon..thanx for the info..
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