Who doesn't like the $$$ sign, raise up your hand?? Anybody?? Somebody?? Ok!! Nobody! I don't think there is people out there who doesn't like $$. If you ask me, I will tell you I LOVE MONEY VERY..VERY MUCH!! !! But sad to tell, I don't have so much money for myself. If only I earned big figure salary every month or strike big in jackpot... Ok! Ok!! I'm not going to tell you anything about earning extra money or whatsoever. I'm here to ask you if you have a debts that gave you a hell of headache every month. It doesn't matter what kind of debts you have; credit card, house loans, car loan or personal loan. Have you ever wish you are a debt free person at this moment?? Yeah..I wish I am too. Since the fuel price hike few months ago, I noticed my credit cards expenditure have escalated to the point that make me really scared. The more I spent with my credit cards, the more debts accumulated for me to pay every month and that mean less money for me to keep for my saving. Don't you hate the evil 'plastic money = credit card' which is so easy to use and tend to make us forget how much we have actually spend in a day?
Actually, I'm planning to settle all my credit card debts as soon as possible because I don't want my debt to grow and grow until it become too much for me to bear. My only problem is, I don't know where to get a consulatation on how to manage my financial plan and lead me to be a debt free person. Do you think there is a debt free consulatation offered somewhere around here?? Is there any debt loans available for those who plan to settle their debts? Well, if any of you know where I can find a centre that provide financial consultation, please let me know about it. It is time for me to get rid from all the debt burden I've been carrying for the past few years.
I've been using 3 credit cards before this... and I used up the limits!! You know what I did?? Applied loan from Bank Rakyat and cleared the debts!! Yeahh... So, now I only focus on the bank's loan. Try it!! If you need free consultation to settle all your credits, try the APKP - Agensi Kaunseling Dan Pengurusan Kredit. Gud Luck!!
A good suggestion by Just. Boleh diterima. Tapi make sure lepas settle tu kad kredit, berhemah ketika memakai. Ya, AKPK adalah menyediakan perkhidmatan nasihat utnuk mereka yang banyak utang.. Bank Negara pya inisiatif ni.
huhu Kadus, looks like we've the same problem here laa..today saya on leave, bawa ninie p review HQE, sambil2 sa p Alliance Bank to ask about my credit card, I hv 3 cdt cds and like you said sejak naik minyak ni mcm telebih budget suda!Itu personal financial consultant ckp boleh settle suma crdt crds kira mcm loan la, so saya cuba la tadi byr 2 kad saya dlm tempoh 1 tahun.
If approved I hv to pay RM460 per month la nanti..then itu kad cancel terus..hui, dalam tempoh 1 thn ni suffer sikit lu la, penat suda fikir pasal debt ni Kadus..tapi mcm tu personal bank ckp.."Suma urg ada utang maaa"..so, nda juga la saya malu2 jumpa dia tadi heheheh
just ~ wow!! like ok pulak your suggestion nie..will check about it nanti..
ornest ~ eee...plan mau cancel terus kad2 yang ada..bikin susah saja ada credit card nie..
kobie vanessa ~ iya bah kan..suma pun ada hutang juga.. :) cw bising2 sudah sebab credit card usage sia makin banyak..ini lah plan mau settle suma satu kali nie..
adeh, since you highlighted the topic, aiyahh..manada urang teda utang. hehe.. tp ngam jg itu, buat personal loan, clear cdt cards trus cancel terus..
Yup.. applied loan, clear debts and terminate the crdt cards... But, I still keep one for emergency purposes... hehhe...
Anyway, Bank Rakyat offered the the lowest interest in town and sinang kena approve... hehehe...
Bila abis bayar suma, kasi kensel terus. Sa burjaya kasi reduce dari 4 ke 2 sebelum sampai sini jipun. 1 untuk bayar bil di mesia jak, satu lagi incase imergency di sini...
adora ~ iya!! iya!! Terus kasi kansel kan..:)
Just ~ 1 kira ok lah..at least ada card for emergency purpose kan..
lab papa ~ ini lah nie..mau settle hutang2 diri sendiri..and kasi kansel suma the cards..(uiii macam banyak jak card sia nie!! hahaha)
Credits cards = EVIL! LOL!
Get rid of them fast! hehehe ... I've had a few in my lifetime and I had huge problems with them.
mmg tu credit card evil oo, tapi sia masih ada banyak credit card but tidak guna pun, reason ... utk emergency, i only use 1 for groceries and 1 lagi for minyak kereta.
Now ada sudah tu debit card with visa/mastercard meaning ble pakai utk bayar di mana2 saja yg accept creditcard but the expenses akan terus deduct from saving account (eg. maybank)
for personal loan, klu tidak silap the Public Bank lagi murah rate dia but not sure pula klu utk govt servant saja... selalu tu org dtg htr borang di upis
pengsan with all the offers, credit card is indeed evil in disguise..isk isk isk..
but sendiri juga kita terpengaruh. Nilah ni... sakit kepala tiap hujung bulan... aduhhh
nick phillips ~ yeah!! agree with you..CC = EVILS!! hahaha
poppet ~ iya ada 1 or 2 cards for emergency purpose nda pa..jan jak kena guna untuk p shopping..hahaha (macam sia dulu..now teda sudah lah)
papajoneh ~ iya bah! sakit kepala di hujung bulan!!
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