See!!!! My room's wall not spared by son!!
But, thats not I want to tell you about actually. It's about my ebay experience. I just started spending my time in ebay like 1 1/2 months ago and I can tell you, I'm currently hooked up with it. Hehe!! Each day, I will spend at least 1 hour of my time searching for a cheap and nice things like Blouses, Sunglasses, Accessories, HandBag and sometimes, I even look for a fancy shoes too. So far, I had won few items already and if only hubby knew about it, I'm sure Hubby will nag me all day long telling me to save my money for a better use. Can you imagine, I bought 2 nice tops from ebay, and until now..I still haven't wear it!!!! Hehe
What I like about ebay is, I can find thousands of items I'm looking for with a cheaper price and lots of variaties. But, what I dread about the most is about paying the items I wanted to buy.'t get me wrong. It's not I don't want to pay the things I'm buying, but it's about the security of transaction made. I always wonder, What if I already paid the items I want and the seller failed to send me the thing I bought? Just few days ago, I paid for this nice chiffon dress from ebay and still waiting for its arrival. (Hope it will arrive in my hand in this few days)
Well, actually other than ebay, I do shop online for other thing from other merchant as well. But some of it, I doubt about its security. That's why I'm going to download buySAFE application from buySAFE Shopping Advisor for a safer and secure transactions in the future. In case you don't know, Shopping Advisor will display security rating on merchants and sellers available in Yahoo, MSN, Googles and ebay too. From now on, I will at least know which merchants I can trust before I click their link and won't be duped into doing a transaction which bound to be fraud.
I know..I know..some of you might be sceptical when it come to shop online. But trust me, it is not that bad. Last time, I was that cynical to the bone about shopping online thinking I might get cheated by all the sellers out there. But so far, I haven't experience any problem yet. Hehe So why not give a try to shop online for a cheaper things. Who knows you might get hook up to online shopping like me too????
Wah! Hellboy oh. hehehe... abis la kalau dinding sa yg kana conteng, sa tambah lagi tu lukis Hellboy btul-btul..
It is fun shopping on ebay, because the stuff there is not the 'everyday items' kan?
So far sa banyak beli samurai swords, nun chakus etc + electronic stuff. Tu baru la kasi abis duit.
Nanti mo try beli baju-baju la pula. Hehe
wah... mengkali minta beli baju hellboy dlm ebay kali ni kadus :-). mcm siok ja shopping online ni... pandai addicted tu kan?
Nah,welcome to the club i lurrvvvee online shopping too,and luckily i haven't encounter with any fraud online seller la. hehe.
3.00am surfing ebay? LOL! I was in deep in dreamland oredi.
I'm not really comfortable with online shopping just yet. I like to see and feel the product before buying it :D
T, I'm still the 'katak bawah tempurung' when talk about shopping online. hahaha.. only hubby does this thing. i even don't know how to use my credit card! kakakakka...
come to think of it dulu-dulu waktu my kids around that age pun suka menconteng terutama my daughter, i made a mistake pi kasi bersih patut biar dia supaya jadi hiasa atau 'mural', cantik juga kan
part keselamatan tu transaction la yg selalu mematahkan semangat sia utk shopping online sooner or later i will try jg. hehe...
nasib baik my daughter belum pandai minta bili eventually I'll buy her something for Xmas oso la. pakai usd ka tu..?
ui ging...rupa2nya ko pula c kadusmama 2...citt,suspen I...ya,ari 2 kwn sa pun ada shopping d
sy pun selalu menyubuk2 tu e-bay, beli brg2 yg lepas tu sia inda pakai..serius ni..entah la mgkn sia lebih sesuai membeli belah di tamu / pasar kali sad.. tp kdg2 ada juga sia menyinggah di ebay beli religious book for my mum..
Cicak ~ hehehe sia nda kasi tingu ko contengan yang lain tu! kalau ko nampak yang lain!! haha terus pengsan nie..
Tapi memang siok bah shopping di ebay! hehehe macam2 ada kan..
izanzuani ~ teda pulak baju hellboy di ebay..patung dia ada lah..tapi sekali harga..duhhhh!! RM1000...matai!!
Sekali sekala shopping ok juga bah..jan saja suma barang pun ko mau beli lah..hehe
mell_f ~ nah! itu lah tu! hehe sekali join the club..nda pandai stop sudah nie..
Nick Phillips ~ actually i was doing my assignment at 3am..but at the same time..surfing at ebay! hehehee
I used to be like you last time. Not comfortable with online shopping..but now..Hmmmm i can tell you, its sooo much easier than shopping at shopping complex..
elcynthia ~ hehehe!! me also just emerge from my tempurung bah! Mula2 tidak ok sket sudah..hehee!
gregchai a.k.a teekay ~ wahhh!! your kids pun conteng dinding??? Hehe..sayang pulak ko kasi bersih kan..
mama mia ~ ok juga bah mia..yang penting ko shopping di tempat2 like ebay lah..memang user kena protect nie..
Tunggu si van besar..nah habis lah ko kena minta beli hadian..hehee
belleofranau ~ tu buysafe tu kira macam program yang bulih kasi inform ko seller's site yang bulih percaya kah nda..
but if ko mau purchase dia punya product pun bulih juga..and of course its in US$ lah..
memeljoan ~ CHAK!! jan ko terkezuttt ini sia..hehe
eh sia belum try shopping di lelong pulak tau..ok kah??
Urang ranau ~ apa lah yang ko beli?? hehehehee mesti baju tu kan??
Ngam lah bah juga ko kasi beli ur mom buku.. :)
hehe si Isaac tlmpau minat hellboy suda sa nampak Kadus
Bgus jg shopping online ni, so far sa pun blum lg la kna cheat (palis2) hehe
Kobie vanessa ~ si isaac tu pandai tukar2 bah keminatan dia tu..hehe! kijap ini..kijap itu..
ko cuba lah shopping online..siok tau!! heheheeee
sia pun start berjinak2 sdh sama online shopping. belum lagi ketagihan lah tapi tia taulah kalu sdh jumpa brg baik punya...hehehe
sabar ja ko kdmama, si Isaac tu kreatif, dia sedang dalam process mo kasi kuar apa dalam kepala dia, manatau lain kali jadi arkitek ka :)
satu ja yg bahaya ni shopping online and auction.. kdg2 kita beli barang yg kita tidak akan guna langsung bertahun-tahun or benda yg kita beli nmpk cantik di gambar but in real life.. inda pula hehehe.. but kadang2 la bukan selalu kan hehehe.. jgn ketagih sudah.. wasting money nanti.
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