* All photos are same like the one in my FB..hehee except here is less than FB lah..malas mau upload too many photos..
Ok..ok!! This will be the last story about my Sunday trip to PD!! Hehee Talk too much about it, later you faint of boredom pulak!!!
So what about it??? As i mentioned in my previous post, i finally can test my skill using the present hubby gave me for my birthday..yeah..yeah..thanx to hubby, my wish finally comes true, and i now owned a DSLR camera..walaupun tidak secanggih mana, but ok lah!! Probably in 6 months from now, (after i master the function of my camera), i will invest my money to buy a better lense pulak..i already check the lense at Fotokem..and dangssssss it more expensive than the camera itself..ekekee There was this one lense cost around RM7500++ oh!!!*faint*
Ok lah!! I took like hundreds of shots (hehee..exaggerate saja nie!!!), and i choose some to show to you lah..!
If only you know how much my kids enjoy their time that day..it was scorching hot that day, but still, isaac and inesha didn't really bother about the heat, and keep playing with the sand..while the mommy pulak, very busy chasing after the crabs..bah you just the pix i took lah ya..and feel free to comment on what you like and what you don't like about it...
KM, u want to know more about photography, consult Calvin our blogger...he is a pro.. haha..
anyway, i dont know how to judge good or not good..as long as clear, they r good enough for me.. hehe..
Ty, I love the 3rd photo (of Inesha...). bah, usaha lagi kio!
Reanaclaire ~ heheeee..iya lah! As long its clear..kira ok already, rite?
Elcynthia ~ I love the one too..ada gaya gitu.. :)
I vote for the 3rd photo too.. hihihi...
Ty, more outdoor activities lps ni... hehehe..
Nice photo! Ya sesekali tu kena juga bawa budak2 keluar kan..kalau tidak nanti jadi monster...kikikiki...
Hebatnya the magneto pose!! I laik :)
Bestnya ko pi jalan2... sia di rumah seja on Mother's Day... eh, bukan... sia di sana sports complex pula itu!
LOL! Tua suda dii...
One day sia pun mau pigi PD. Tapi sia rasa macam cantik lagi Tg Aru beach kan.
yea, I observed the improvement.
Just ~ teda masa mau p outdoor..but next month I'm going to the Palace of Golden Horses hotel again..mau kasi habis my room there..ekeke
Hari tu nda sempat ambi gambar kan..so this time mau berabis ambi nie..dia punya surrounding dia..
cath J ~ hehee itu lah...kadang2 jak bah sia bawa dorang jalan..kesian kan..
Nessa ~ actually bukan kami mau p jalan2 bah tu..saja mau p lawat my FIL kan..heheeeee But betul juga cakap ko..tanjung Aru lagi cantik..
Siok juga p sana sebab lepas tu bawa balik 2kg udang FOC..ekeeee
Ko buat apa di kompleks sukan??
Little Inbox ~ :) thank you..wait until i have the fund to buy new lense (next year)..will try to improve my skill lagi..
I haven't been to PD in years la. Must make a trip there one day. Looks like the kids had a great time :D
Sia pi tingu anak sia yang tua punya Sports Day baitu. Nanti I'll blog about it... banyak gambar tapi blum edit lagi... malassss...
Noooooooo why ur son imitating magneto? magneto jahat XD
Nick ~ go lah one day! It will be nice spending your weekend with your family..
Nessa ~ oh!!! Aiseh!! nanti sia check blog ko once the post is up ah..
Massy ~ sebab power si Magneto cool betul..thats why he likes him..! hehe
So cute o ur kids :D Model generasi baru. I like the 12th pic, yg ada bekas model ikut bergambar tu, sblm magneto keluar :D Patut kamu tangkap byk2 tu katam then bawa pigi tu restoran kamu tmpt makan dan suruh dorang masak... misti lagi murah daa tu hehehe :D
KDmama> dua dua inesha and isaac can be a model...ajar si inesha cakap sabahan n dusun sikit2....pastu suru pigi ikut unduk ngadau kalau suda basar..hehehe
hehe..dont know much about photography but like Just, i like pic #3. Kiut bah si Inesha dgn dua tanduk dia yg kana tiup angin...hihi..
Ornest ~ adeeeee...mana bulih makan tu katam sana..kecil2 jak bah!! lagipun kami p tu beach pun lepas makan..bukan sebelum makan bah..
Belle ~ :) adeeee...lain kali sia ajar si inesha ah belle..
Melayu pun nda berapa pandai tu..kesian betul..
Mama Mia ~ hehehee..ada gaya gitu kan..?
beautiful models you have there !
i suppose, with lovely kids like that in pic, anything will look nice :-)
Jim Experience ~ :) Thanx for the compliment..hehee
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