So, it has been a month after my trip back to Sabah, and only today..I'm posting the pix taken during my brother's wedding..I'm not going to upload many pix as i don't want you to die of boredom seeing all my photos..hehehehe
Anyway..before i 'kill' you with my photo, just a little update from me. My son Isaac was unwell again last week. On friday night, he was coughing a lil' bit and after i brought him to see the dr, nothing much about his condition. No chest infection..and no nothing serious. So he was given a Ventolin to ease his cough. But the next morning, his condition become sooooooooooooo serious, he barely can breathe and was crying for the pain he had. I wanted to bring him to the dr again, but son refused as he was still sleepy and want to sleep. So after i finished work at 1pm, i rushed back home and brought son to the same Medical center we went on the previous night. It's really scary to see my son fighting for air to breathe. Luckily not many patients on that day, and we were called shortly after we reached there. After the dr diagnosed my son, turned out Isaac has asthma. :( I totally have no idea 'how' or what or when or where about his condition. On normal day..he can run and jump without having any problem..All of a sudden, he has asthma..
About my daughter, son called me yesterday and told me that my daughter fell off from the chair while eating her lunch. *sigh* So when i reached home last night, my daughter has a bad bruise on her right cheek..aduiii kesiannyyaaa! Can you imagine she fall asleep while eating her lunch?? That's why she fell..
What else ah..???? Hmmmmmm...Oh! My exam will be end of this month. *sigh* I guess i will be crazy busy again until i finished my exam.
Oh! another one..On my way to work today..I witnessed idiot flasher flashing his "TOOOTTTTTTTTTTT". Ya! No kidding here. The old man was standing at the road side and flashed his penis to the passing car. Idiot old man..i was turning to his direction when i saw his 'ding dong bell'. All i can say was..WTF?????????? LOL!!!!
So that's my update for now. Enjoy the pixs uploaded here.
The wedding started with the bride, groom, relatives and 'gong' team rafting all the way down to our village to announce their day to the villagers
I can't join them as i had to look after my kids.
Inesha was so grumpy that morning, but still she can pose for me...hehehe
Isaac wanted to join the rafting team, but no way i will allow him to follow my hubby. My husband can't swim lah..if i go, maybe can lah..
5 rafts for the team. :) if you are wondering, They raft from Sungai Kiulu all the way down to Kg. Malangang, Baru
The Bride and Groom. Hehehehehehhe
The Bride, Groom, the mother, my sister and my nephew
Off they go.. :)
Me, the camerawomen was under the scorching hot sun waiting for the team to come.
This is the gong team. Respect the gong players. All of them are under 12 years old but they really can play the gong very well..My sister told me, one of the gong player fell inside the river..but steady saja dia main lepas tu
Bride and Groom reached safely. Ada juga background yang tidak menarik oh!
The beautiful bride..My sister-in law..Amy
A very simple wedding, yet very meaningful. Scottish guy is my brother's boss from singapore and the other one is boss in KK. :)
Ada juga muka Inesha mingkikiut! LOL I didn't notice the background was my son trying to strangle his uncle until Jacq told me about it! HAHAHHAA
Ehem...!!!! Me and My daughter lah..sepa lagi! LOL
The 'party' continued at our house. The girl in black is blogger, Ninie..hehehehe Bukan main suka lagi the guy dancing with her. HAHAHA it was supposed to be a Sumazau dancing..tapi ntah apa cerita the drunk guy..hahahahaa
Cutting cake ceremony. Bulih lagi jilat-jilat jari lepas makan cake.. heheheheheh

And their wedding made it to the paper...hehehee!! Famous juga masuk cerita dalam paper nie kan??
So macam tu lah my story last month..heheheh Although I'm late to post it, it better than never kan..hehehehhe I will go back to Sabah for Christmas and for the first time after so many years, all my family members will be around to celebrate xmas..
Ok lah! that's the story of kaDusMama, who always missing in action..Hehehe till i update my blog again..That's about for now..... ~tata~
Gosh!! adventurous nya this wedding.. but siok juga oh..
Evelyn ~ ya..siok..hehehe lain dari yang lain kan..
i think the first ever for locals ni kan Ty? masuk paper lagi tu....
kesian si inesha. telampau mengantuk dia smpai buli tetidur time makan? hehehe
Chegu Carol ~ sia rasa lah..nda sure pulak.. :)
Ntah si inesha tu..dulu pun pernah tu..dia mau shiii..shiii tetidur di potty dia..hehehehe
Yay! Finali ada gambar kawin :D
First taim tingu orang kawin naik raft kasi announce wedding... unik butul ni.. and the river is soooo clean.
Sori to hear about Isaac ada asthma. Tepaksa la dia pakai tu inhaler kan?
You look as lovely and sweet as ever!
Oops, last one... tu pacik menari disko 'saturday nite fever'.. hahaha
Wah, that looked like it was quite a wedding :D
I can't swim too so I'd probably drown if I went river rafting ... LOL!
Hope poor Isaac gets well soon.
woh... cute abis cake nya, pink pulak tuh!
look so meriah, lama dah I tak pegi wedding, bz kan??
your brother pula tu..interesting wedding..
hello new here. where is kg.malangang?. penampang? i don't know they do white water rafting there. (*_*). anyway, nice pics
KadusMama: really u have yr hands full la.. from yr kids to your exams and the wedding.. hahaha.. your kids are so cute.. rafting in a wedding? wow.. that is kind of special!
Very interesting wedding...
wait...wait...wait... The mother and father pun ikut rafting????!!!
Oh kalau mcm ni, tiada alasan tidak mau buat rafting hahahha....
atukoiiiiiiii.... I check the photo again... ada lagi pemain tagung p water rafting!!!!!!!!
Hehe... Memang best kan if we go togeder2 tu, Cuz! Inilah ni wrong information suma hahaa...
Kesian c Isaac ni cepat dia sakit, susa la kalo ada asthma, mungkin pasal ni jerebu bah ni! Inesha pun pandai tetidur ni, bikin takut ohh...
Hi,Ty. Lama sia nda datang melawat.
Kesian si Isaac,rupanya kana asthma. mcm juga si inesha tu, sampai tertidur waktu makan? hehe..
butul2 memorable la wedding abg ko ni, ada rafting lagi,belum pernah urang buat gini. Nda lama jadi ikutan la tu. :D
Man, having children can surely be stressful, but I'm sure fulfilling at the same time! :-D
Nessa ~ Isaac datang asthma dia kalau dia batuk..memang scary juga lah tingu he gasping for air hari tu..
And itu Uncle tu..ehehehe..i think dia mabuk sampai tarian Ah go..go dia pun kuar..hahahaha
Nick Phillips ~ Hahahaha..take a swimming class's never too late lah..
Ida ~ the cake was purplish + pinky tu..and it was soooo sedap..
ur brother pula yang kawin naik raft tu...ada sia terbaca di newspaper..mmg unik. maciam mana durang buli terpikir tu?
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