I reached home quite late last night as i was out to buy grocerries at Tesco. I reached home at 10.45pm and imagine, i was tired...sleepy and when i was at living area..i noticed something different on my floor! Ayoooooooooooooo!!!! Son used our floor to draw his favourite Uncle Monster and don't know what else aliens on it! I instantly reacted as i was slapped on my cheek!Well, actually i only managed to utter this "ISAAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" hahaha and thats all!!
Me : Isaac!!! What have you done?????????
Isaac : Isaac draw uncle monster!
Me : But..why on the floor???
Isaac : Ya lah!! I have no more paper..then draw on the floor lah!!
Me : *Doink my head*
Sekali i went inside our room..another round of shouting.."ISAAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why write on mommy's table??????????" and same answer was given..!
I don't know whether i should be angry or not to son with his behaviour of ignoring my order before not to write on anywhere that he shouldn't write. He even draw his creation on our sofa, my daughter's shirt and anywhere he thinks is appropriate. I know i forgot to buy a new supply of paper for him, but son should knows better not to write or draw anywhere other than on a piece of paper. For your info, son used more than 50pcs of paper a day to draw and write anything that crossed his mind.
Nah! This is more beautiful than the last time son drew. I have like 100pcs of the same drawing of this Uncle Monster at home!
I just bought 1 ream of paper for son and hehehe..if only you can see how happy was son to see so many papers for him to draw. Pening lah with son sometimes..No matter how i try not to shout at him at home, i always end-up unsuccessful with my tempt. He does try my patience you know!
Still not sure what's waiting for me when i reach home later. Hope my rice cooker or fridge not used by son to draw his creation. It is not impossible you know as he did draw my new notebook the other day and make me super angry. *sigh* Why lah..he like to draw thing other than on a paper???? Any idea???
kadus mama, hik hik hik this remind me of my brothers..dulu2 la.semua dinding, lemari,meja makan, kusyen kena kasi authograph..sabar ja la. Mana tau lain kali buli jual jg lukisan si isaac tuh bila dia pames... ;)
It's a first step to be a great painter i think... hihi...Keep on supporting ;-)
hehe bersemangat betul si Isaac melukis ah, smpai lantai pun jadi sasaran, heheh buli tahan dia ni, kici2 berbakat suda, mesti ikut daddy dia ba tu, tpksa la ko beli kertas stiap minggu ni hehe
hahahhahaha..cute la your son!! But yes i know how you feel i would be giritan juga..hmmm that makes me wonder how would my child be bila sia ada anak sendiri...pengsan!
wah 1 ream paper suda abis. So high productivity la hahaha.
Can I suggest you to buy a huge white board for your son. So you don't have to buy paper and Isaac will get the same feeling drawing on the floor.
mcm, buli pakai ka? heheheh IMHO
Sia teringat satu episod in dat Oprah show. Dis doctor who is a cancer patient cakap pasal his positive outlook in life eventho dia ada penyakit yang kronik. One advice dia bagi was, 'Let your child paint/draw on the walls' :D
Maybe one day dia buli jadi pelukis terhebat!
Bah jgn lupa kama bili paper lain kali, buruk padahnya nti..hehehe..
sia rasa bgs jg idea c LabPapa on d whiteboard tu..bulih padam2, nda payah bili byk kertas.
klu nda pun, ko ambik ja bah kertas yg nda pakai suda d opis utk c Isaac, bulih dia lukis on the blank side.
Wow, ni barulah semangat!
Last time my kids also sometimes use to draw and scribble on the wall but when they do, I insist that they clean it up themselves, biarlah nangis2 sampai hilang.
And my husband brings back a lot of recycled papers from office.
I like the white board idea and maybe you can also post his pictures on the wall so he is motivated to draw on paper.
Anyway, this stage won't last..
LOL Kadus Mama, you need to own a paper factory soon la like this!
Who knows, maybe one day you can sell his paintings for millions and jadi kaya raya ... hehehe ...
Instantaneously, mmglah trus marah sbb balik pun sudah lewat, penat... but bila ingat balik when everything is settled, mesti funny. At least pandai juga dia tulis A B C D E F G... :)
Maybe ko sudah buat, but if not, ko boleh simpan dia punya lukisan, and bind it. to show him his work when he has grown up... or jadi kenangan2 time kamu sudah tua, crita2 sama hubby ko! :D
Cantik terus o lantai ko kadusmama kena decorate. Hahaha pandai suda c isaac melukis
pakai permanent marker ka ni? adui... sakit kepala oo... but i agree with jewelle. lain kali klu dia buat lagi, ask him to scrub it clean. bukan la mo kasi sengsara dia, but hv to punish him so that he knows what he did is wrong.
sya ingat zaman dulu2 bah, time tu sya tadika. paling ingat sampai sekarang. sya pi draw2 di drawer tempat simpan baju2 parents saya hehehe... pakai permanent marker lagi. Mama sya buat mcm tu la, dia bagi saya gayung yg ada sabun & kain buruk, suruh saya cuci balik itu contengan. nangis2 lah saya scrubbing... mama saya biar saja. sampai la bapa sya balik dr kerja. tidak hilang tu conteng2, tp betul2 jara ni. x pernah suda cuba2 menconteng selain dr d kertas hehehe...
wah... panjang pula. mcm tulis d blog sendiri... hahahaha
hahaha T, Isaac really have talent lar there. mmg budak lah tu mengkali. my son pun pakai permanent marker, crayon, pencil (watever yg dia dapat) lukis on the kusyen, almari, TV, meja.... belum dinding lagi lah. I guess jewelle & Lelen punya idea tu boleh di cuba. sa pun mau try nanti.... hohoho...
Urang ranau ~ actually kami kecil2 pun selalu conteng dinding juga..but my parents kasi biar saja..lepas berapa tahun, terus kena cat balik rumah..jadi hilang lah segala contengan kami tu..
kobie vanessa ~ si isaac tu memang bersemangat! ekeke semalam sia balik rumah dia suruh sia ambi kamera gambar dia punya lukisan lagi..
kris& nadia ~ Hi there! thanx for dropping by..
Yeah i guess my son is on his way to become a great artist! :)
emelda ~ Memang gerigitan nie Mel..terus sakit jiwa kijap after sampai rumah!! hahaha
Don't worry bah pasal ur anak lain kali..ok juga tu..!
lab papa ~ itu satu ream belum habis, tapi more than 5 drawing pad and hundreds of paper sudah habis son draw dalam 1 minggu! pengsan juga lah!!
Actually ada juga white board di rumah..but yang herannya my son nda minat pulak..kalau dia teda paper..memang dia aim our wall and sofa..and baju adik dia juga..akakak!!
nessa ~ alamak!! my son bukan setakat wall saja..hari tu actually fridge pun sudah kena lukis..then his bag..then his school info book pastu my bag..arghhhh!!! like everywhere lah! tia boleh hilang lagi suma tu..
mama mia ~ memang sia bawa balik recycle paper dari opis nie..tapi kalau setakat 50 nda cukup tu! hahahaa! mau juga 100 satu hari si isaac guna..mana tahan kan!
Pasal white board tu..hmmm isaac nda minat lah..ada juga tu sana rumah..
jewelle ~ hehe memang semangat berkobar-kobar nie!
Most of the 'creations' on the wall, i just leave it without asking my son to clean it. But the marker stain on my daughter's shirt is going to be there, always. Cannot clean already..
Nick Phillips ~ Hahhaaaa!!! Not that extend to own a factory yet lah nick..but seriously...son does used lotsssss of paper in a day you know..
Hope son's drawing can bring big bucks to me next time..hahahaha
rey ~ Memang meradang nie..tapi setakat teriak jak lah..si isaac tu campin menulis sudah tu..
Even kalau dia duduk2 di kerita pun dia mau melukis nie.. :)
banyak sudah drawing dia sia simpan..cannot keep all lah..punya banyak tu..beratus2 bah..
Nika ~ tu lah tu..terus cantik bah lantai rumah!! ekekee
Dari dulu lagi si isaac suka melukis tu..but 2 months ago dia nda campin lagi..now pandai sudah dia lukis.. :)
mimi ~ macam kesian pulak mau suruh dia scrub clean our wall..takut lain kali dia nda minat melukis kalau sia marah dia satu kali..
Terpaksa kasi sedia banykkkkkk paper jak lah nie...
elcynthia ~ hehe!! habis dinding rumah kita nie kan..now my sofa tu nda tau apa macam mau kasi bersih! sebab dia kain and my son used itu marker p conteng..
Nanti sia try2 juga lah jewelle ppunya cara..who knows it might work kan??
hehehe...mesti dia buat puppy eyes time ko mara dia kan..heheheheh..cumil...
ni musim dia suda ni...budak2 kan ada musim kan dia mau coteng2 dinding..sy rasalah...since im not a mother yet..
sy rasa solution ni kan..ko kena sedia beli cat rumah jak....kalau musim dia conteng rumah dah berlalu..baru ko repaint ur dinding...bawa dia repaint balik..biar dia penat...barulah dia tau menconteng2 is not good...hehehe... opinion jak
itu dinding lah..kalau lantai..emm....nda tau lah...ada seni juga si isaac ni..hehehe
Baju Inesha pun si Isaac pi lukis? Haha... Nasib dia nda lukis baju dia atau tangan dia ka... Kadang2 sya gatal tangan, jari kaki pun sya lukis buat mata dan mulut cam orang hahahaa...
LOL his Hellboy is so cute!!! :D
Bagus juga bah can teriak-teriak ni.. might make your voice jadi high pitch, so you can join singing contest (AF maybe??) and then win it, then jadi penyanyi yang famous, make a lot of money then go shopping!!!
See the possibilities?? ^^
belleofranau ~ :) iya..nanti spare cat sana rumah..but lepas my son punya phase, i'm sure my daughter pun akan start conteng dinding lain kali..hahahha!!! habis lah nie..rumah penuh contengan!!
Yang lantai senang sikit mau kasi bersih! sebab licin kan..
choc mint girl ~ hahahaha!! sepa cakap teda kena conteng tangan..siap isaac lukis2 jam lah..map di kaki inesha tu..and dia pun conteng diri sendiri..
ethel ~ ahahaa!! punya jauhhhhhh ko punya pandangan nie! now cannot sing already sebab suara pun sumbang2 sudah nie..hehhe
hahaha...kesian lantai ko...bikin kertas lukisan si isaac.
mmm...bagus cari mosaic yg kalau kena kutur buli kasi bersih pakai lap ja kan...yg mcm nippon paint tu....hahaha....bagus kalau ada.
Chegu carol hehee!! yang lantai masih kami dapat kasi bersih..but yang dinding tu susah sikit! lain kali baru kasi bersih lah kali..
my doter pun mcm tu dulu.. dr umur 2 tahun sudah menconteng2.. kami kasi belila drawing block.. inda cukup.. beli paper.. membazir pula.. memang dinding rumah kami lawa.. byk design.. tapi kami biar ja.. tunggu doter no. 2 besar sudah baru kasi cat balik.. we biar ja drg lukis.. anyway, one solution for me.. sia selalu bawa balik waste paper dr ofis, the ones yg salah printing, kertas conteng2, since one size masi bersih tiada tulisan.. I give to my doter suruh dia lukis di kertas tu.. so jimat duit juga since memang mo buang bah tu papers.
but si isaac punya lukisan ble tahan oo.. nice!.. klu dia lukis di paper.. ko jgn lupa simpan.. ble auction tu satu hari nanti (hopefully hehehe)
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